I actually finished my scrapbook... this morning. And it even doesn't have pictures on several of the pages, but they are pictures that must have never been taken because I can't find them anywhere. I do remember taking pictures and saving them up for a trip to Wal-mart because at the time I did not have a way to print pictures at home. Somewhere along the way they must have become lost or, more likely, I neglected to take pictures for the last 9 days of the month.
I do think it was pretty ingenious of me to have this as my learning for three of the days:
However, I must not have learned this very well, because I'm planning to do Shimelle's class again.
Looking back at last year's book, I want to do things differently. One major thing is that this year I can actually print pictures at home, so that means I don't have to wait for a trip to the photo counter to get my pictures. I also think I might try to lay out my whole scrapbook - i.e. have every page scrapbooked with space for a picture (standard 4x6 so I don't have to cut it down) and journaling - before the class starts, maybe before I start school next week, even.
Finally, I also want to do a little more journaling. Part of my problem with last year's lack of pictures is that I don't remember what I intended for some pages. So, I may have pictures, I just don't remember. One page in particular has the journaling "Today I learned I am blessed to be here." I don't remember why on that particular day I was feeling particularly blessed to be somewhere. I wish I could. That's the kind of thing to remember.
So, I'm off to start planning for this year's Learn Something New Everyday. Check out Shimelle's blog and see if you want to join in. It by no means has to be a scrapbooking class, though that is what it's tailored to. It could be a photo challenge, it could be a journaling challenge, it can be anything you want it to be.
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