Challenge 7 was to look up. I found this pretty cloud in my back yard. I love how when the sun hides behind clouds, it makes the clouds look dark and scary.

For Challenge 8 I got to play with one of my favorite sites, I Has a Hotdog! It certainly makes my day seeing cute pictures of dogs and cats, and the funny things people make them say. I relate, because I make my dog say funny things all the time. However, I've never considered myself clever enough to share one of those things with someone else. So, here's my first Loldog creation!

Challenge 9 was to take a picture of something in nature. This is a tree I planted. I think it's a maple tree. It actually started out as a weed in a friend's flower bed, but so far it seems to like its new home in my yard.

Shimelle says she loves taking pictures of shoes. I, too, enjoy a good shoe picture, and even included one in a mini-album I did of 10 reason I'm a lucky girl (reason 8 - I have three pairs of my favorite shoes in three different colors). However, for this below the knee challenge, I decided to, once again, bring in the dog.
Our dog is obsessed with feet. He loves licking toes, feet, ankles, and pretty much anything below the knee. So I caught a shot of him licking my feet one night as we were trying to go to sleep.

Challenge 11 called for a reflection shot. For our 5th anniversary, hubby got me a beautiful free standing mirror with a jewelry box inside. It sits right inside our bedroom, so I got a picture of our unmade bed through the mirror. When I was young, I loathed making my bed, so much that I got a futon and slept only with blankets. (I was a stubborn child.) One of the things I looked forward to about being an adult was not "having" to make my bed. We make it when we have company, of course, to put on appearances and all. But somedays it's nice to not worry about the state of your bedroom. And, it makes a made bed all that more special.

The final challenge for Saturday was to take a picture of something literary. This is my to-read shelf. It grows faster than I can read, to the point that I had to remove some of the decorative things that were on the far right side to make room for more books. There's everything on this shelf: a Rob Bell book, a couple of books from my youth, the Princess Bride, three books of the new line of novels from the publishing company I work for, the first Southern Vampire book, How to Read Literature like a Professor, The Lovely Bones, and Lamb. Lamb is a repeat (along with the books from my youth), but they're so enjoyable I can't wait to dive into them again.

So, that's Saturday! Up next - 6 more photos for Sunday's challenges.
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